Spring Sprouts Salad


  • Mix sprouts – 150 gm
  • Roasted Peanut – 25 gm
  • Mix Cabbage – 50 gm
  • Mix peppers – 25 gm
  • Carrot – 50 gm
  • Cucumber – 25 gm
  • Spring onion – 25 gm
  • Coriander
  • Lemon Juice, Salt,  Black Pepper, Chat masala
  • Pomegranate, Apple for garnishing

This salad is very easy to make and needs very minimal ingredients. You can replace any of these ingredients based on your choice and availability. You need to soak mixed beans overnight for at least 8 hours. After removing all the water and wash it thoroughly and then tide it in tight clothing for 1-2 days. You will start seeing sprouts.


  1. Steam the sprouted Beans for 5-8 min until it becomes soft.
  2. Cut all the vegetables listed above in the ingredients into very small pieces
  3. Mix the sprouts with all the cut vegetables
  4. Add Lemon Juice, Salt, and black pepper as per your taste.
  5. A little bit of olive oil would add a nice texture ( optional )
  6. Garnish with green coriander and chat masala.
  7. You can also add small diced pieces of apple and pomegranate to make it fancy :).

You can eat this as is or can have any mint sauce or tandoori mayo sauce if you want.

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