About Salad Time

Salad Time is not a regular food venture which started based on food trend to cash in the profit. This is rather something very personal to me. I had been struggling to lose weight and to be healthy since sometime. Inspite of having all the info available at finger tips and all the resources, i was not able to control on my eating habits. Salads are one of the best option to keep weight under control. But I always find it challenging to make healthy and exciting salads on consistent bases. At that time, I realized this could be a problem for many, which needed to be solved; that’s how Salad time was born.

At Salad Time, we make sure to follow the below points. 
1. All ingredients are of the best quality.
2. Salads we make are not loaded with unhealthy sauces or ingredients, which kills the purpose of eating salad.
3. Hygiene is the top priority.
4. Affordable prices, so people who want to eat on a regular basis do not need to worry about too much expense.

About founder

With 17+ years of corporate experience, I understand how difficult it is to manage to get healthy food while busy with work and family responsibilities. My vision is to create a brand that people can trust for their healthy meal needs. We want to provide a healthy delicious meals to busy people who are health conscious and want to eat tasty balanced food.

You can connect with me ( Rupesh Mehta)  via Linked in – My LinkedIn Profile

Our Vision

We have the vision to be the go-to brand for healthy salads across India. So whenever anyone thinks about healthy food options, they think about Salad Time first. We want to be the most trusted brand in India when it comes to Salads.